
World tourism bets for 2100

Probably no human being alive currently worries how tourism will be in 2100.

Although people are curious and make their positive and negative conjectures about what will happen next century.

A survey in 2018 to 6,000 frequent tourists on travelling methods sited in Canada, France, Germany, Spain, the United Kingdom and the United States saw the future of the sector excited about future ways of travelling.

Tourists in favor of teleportation

A 2018 survey on 6,000 frequent tourists about far future methods of traveling reflected that a good part of them prefer to risk  Sci Fi teleportation in order to avoid the nowadays problems specially in airports and  the “too long” flights.

About how they expect to travel in the future the consumers mentioned self-driving cars on ‘smart highways’ and aircraft powered by alternative fuels, and hyperloops.

A recent study by Popular Mechanic magazine estimated that in the next century the world will once again at a similar stage in 1900 and 2000. That is, in the midst of a new technological revolution.

In the near future the number of international tourists is predicted to increase by 3.3% per year up to 2030, reaching 1.8 billion tourist arrivals. The fastest growth will be in emerging economies in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.

It is very possible that the leisure industry continues to grow when the 12 chimes of 2099 sound announcing the 2100.

Climate change. Bad bets for world tourism.

Scientists from all over the world agree that climate change could affect tourism demand worldwide.

Altered climatic conditions may influence the relative allure of many regions.

Under current economic conditions, the 2100 climate could lower tourism revenues by up to 0.45 % of GDP per year in Mediterranean EU regions, while other EU regions in northern Europe could gain up to 0.32 % of GDP, according to a research.

Positive or negative forecasts for world tourism?.

That prediction could announce something paradoxical.

Maybe both forecasts would be winners.

The sun in a pocket

Some experts argue, or rather dream, that capturing the sun’s rays will be only the first step to figure out a way to store it.

Specialists believe that by 2100, that problem could have been solved by making everything a solar energy collector, from the paint in our house to the asphalt on the road.

People will store this energy in a small portable solar-powered device the size of a smart phone today, one of them explains.

In 2100 solar energy will be crucial, with a huge impact on each person every minute of their daily life experts said.

Regard to climate a forecast seems to be accurate.

Scientists have high confidence that global temperatures will continue to rise for decades to come largely due to greenhouse gases produced by human activities.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which includes more than 1,300 scientists from the United States and other countries forecasts a temperature rise of 2.5 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit over the next century.

According to the IPCC, the extent of climate change effects on individual regions will vary over time and with the ability of different societal and environmental systems to mitigate or adapt to change.

The idea leads another.

Tourism as a rising human activity despite the obstacles it faces in today’s world also be able to adjust to 2100 future.

Wellness Destiny / Photo Pixabay

Frank Martin

Frank Martin

Periodista internacional y Editor

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