
Wellness Workshop in the Caribbean for a new post-Covid-19 era

A workshop about wellness and health tourism was convened for next summer in  Cuba  to open a new post-Covid-19 era throughout Latin America.

FEMTEC, the World Federation of Hydrotherapy and Climatotherapy, is the meeting organizer that will take place in Havana, Cuba from June 28 to 30.

During the workshop will be inaugurated the first «International Chair of Health and Wellness Tourism».

The agenda will include lectures, plenary sessions, practical classes and exhibitions, according to the Italian professor Umberto Solimene, president of FEMTEC

As the professor explained, the objective of the workshop is to continue promoting actions in favor of the international development of balneology, thermalism, thalassotherapy, Spa, and integration of health into Well-being.

The event will take place thanks to the collaboration between FEMTEC and international institutions in order to promote Wellbeing.

Professor Solimene described that the objective is to bring together worldwide experts who are dedicated to the analysis of the sector complicated by the  Pandemia.

Other objective is to offer strategies, innovative experiences adapted to current needs and exchanging topics.

Among the topics are ethics, health, economy, training, tourism and action for the future in this area.

It will be a meeting for restarting the world of well-being.

The professor stressed that in a new reality, safe destinations will be sought and a commitment to healthy, preventive and sustainable lifestyles.

In this way, new opportunities will be opened the expert explain.

 Solimene expects an expansion of the recognition of balneology, thermal waters and Spa as part of the strengthening of the immune system.

The wellness market will be ready for innovation and transformation once the pandemic is resolved, he added.

Today there is real potential to create new strategies.

These strategies should be used as ways to alleviate the financial burden of illness, Professor Solimene estimated.

Experts who give their opinion on the new future ahead for this industry will encourage governments and companies to promote and invest in wellness, according to the Italian scientist.

«And obviously we will make these days unforgettable in a context of relaxation, reflection and enjoyment,» he summoned.

«I invite you to discover the resources and beauty of natural environments without pollution,» he explained.

He also praised the benefits of nature, the importance of regenerating water, natural food and the richness of gathering together admiring the essential, exchanging and working for the collective well-being.

Solimene stressed the hope of «meeting in this chosen» Wonder City «that is Havana, overcoming the difficult and complicated period that we are living.»

The FEMTEC president predicted that the Havana event “will foster the necessary dialogue and collaboration”.

Imagen de Noel Bauza en Pixabay

«We will explore the future of trends, research, innovation and training in healthy and sustainable lifestyles, with a positive mental approach in this new stage, for the well-being of all» he added.

Wellness Destiny Imagen de Gerhard Lipold en Pixabay

Frank Martin

Frank Martin

Periodista internacional y Editor